
We are pleased to welcome some of the world’s most visionary leaders, innovative storytellers, and creative thinkers to inspire and guide us in navigating the challenges of today and the opportunities of tomorrow.


Andrus Durejko; Valdes priekšsēdētājs -

Andrus Durejko

AS "Esti Energia"

Valdes priekšsēdētājs

  • Andrus Durejko is the CEO of Enefit from April 2023. Enefit operates in the Baltic and Nordic electricity and gas markets, as well as the global liquid fuels market. Enefit offers energy solutions ranging from electricity, heat and fuel production to sales, customer service, and consulting. Prior to Enefit Andrus Durejko was working as Chair of the Management Board at Ericsson Eesti and Ericsson Latvia. In addition, he has worked as an Ericsson Eesti AS Board Member in the field of technology, program director in Nordic and Baltic countries and chief technology officer. He was also Regional Director of Ericsson Ukraine in the field of mobile core networks. Andrus Durejko is an Advisory Board Member at the AI and Robotics (AIRE) Center. He has graduated from Estonian University of Life Sciences in Electrical Power Engineering (M.S) and completed MBA courses in Estonian Business School.
 Anastasia Lajri; Padomniece -

Anastasia Lajri

Amerikas Tirdzniecības palāta ES


  • Anastasia Lajri is responsible for Energy, Climate and Transport policies at the American Chamber of Commerce to the European Union. She is an expert in the field of energy policy and energy security, focusing on the impact of EU legislation on third countries, and safe and resilient energy systems. Anastasia’s work combines US business insight, with a strong focus on competitiveness and sustainability. She has previously worked at the European Commission in the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations focusing on energy policy development in the Western Balkans, Eastern Partnership countries and the Southern Neighbourhood.
Jurijs Spiridonovs;  -

Asoc. prof.

Jurijs Spiridonovs

Biznesa, mākslas un tehnoloģiju augstskola RISEBA

  • Jurijs Spiridonovs, PhD, is a professional with more than 20 years of regional and international experience, currently the adviser at the Board of Directors at the European Bank of Reconstruction of Development, associate professor at the RISEBA University and Member of the Administrative Board of European Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators. He is an expert in strategy, transformation of organizations, and policy in environment, energy, and finance. His professional career included work for the supervisory councils of companies, ministries, international organizations, universities, NGOs, and private companies.
Frede Blaabjerg;  Priekšsēdētājs -


Frede Blaabjerg

Dānijas Pētniecības un inovāciju politikas padome


  • Prof. Frede Blaabjerg was with ABB-Scandia, Randers, Denmark, from 1987 to 1988. He got the PhD degree in Electrical Engineering at Aalborg University in 1995. He became Full Professor of power electronics and drives in 1998 at AAU Energy. From 2017 he became a Villum Investigator. He is honoris causa at University Politehnica Timisoara (UPT), Romania in 2017 and Tallinn Technical University (TTU), Estonia in 2018. His current research interests include power electronics and its applications such as in wind turbines, PV systems, reliability, Power-2-X, power quality and adjustable speed drives. He has published more than 600 journal papers in the fields of power electronics and its applications. He is the co-author of ten monographs and editor of fourteen books in power electronics and its applications. Among many awards he has received the IEEE Edison Medal. He has recently been appointed to co-lead the Danish Pioneer center for Materials Discovery for Power-2-X processes (CAPeX) together with DTU, which is a major research grant for 13 Years with more than 100 PhDs and post docs. He has been chairman of the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy since 2020.
Olga Bogdanova; Prezidente -

Asoc. prof.

Olga Bogdanova

Pasaules Enerģijas padomes Latvijas Nacionālā komiteja


  • Olga Bogdanova is the president of World Energy Council Member Committee Latvia. She is a Deputy Chair of the Supervisory board of the Power Transmission System operator of Latvia AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls” holding the controlling stock of the Latvian gas transmission and storage system operator. Since 2005, she has been working for the governmental sector. Her current position at the Ministry of Finance is Deputy Secretary for Tax Administration and Shadow economy restriction issues. She is a member of the Studies Committee at the World energy Council, an alumni of the World energy Council Future Energy Leadership Program (2018-2022), and an active expert at the World Energy Council. Olga Bogdanova has Doctor Degree in Economics. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Latvia, Faculty of Business Management and Economics and an expert of the Latvian Scientific Council in economics. Dr.oec. Bogdanova is co-author of 4 scientific monographs and author of more than 35 scientific publications focused on the challenges in the energy field, regional cooperation issues and economic development.
Burkhard von Kienitz; COO Processes -

Burkhard von Kienitz


COO Processes

  • Burkhard von Kienitz is COO processes of E.ON and works directly with the CEO. He spent his career in various countries and companies. He has been member of the Studies Committee the last four years and was elected as Officer of the World Energy Council some weeks ago. He is member of the presidential committee in Germany and part of the German editor group. Further to this he gives Lectures for Master students at the TUM University in Munich.
Heli Virkki; Ūdeņraža ieleju attīstības projektu vadītāja -

Heli Virkki

GasGrid Finland

Ūdeņraža ieleju attīstības projektu vadītāja

  • Heli Virkki’s role as Hydrogen Valley Lead at Gasgrid Finland entails promoting regional hydrogen economy work within Finland. Close collaboration with communal and industrial stakeholders is of essence in advancing the national hydrogen infrastructure development as well as in the realization of industrial investments within the hydrogen value chain. Heli’s competence profile includes stakeholder and ecosystem management within new technology development. Background in petrochemicals, chemicals and energy industry. Passionate about advancing sustainable industry within cross-functional value chains and global stakeholder networks.
Armen Konrad Artwich; Valdes loceklis -

Armen Konrad Artwich


Valdes loceklis

  • Armen Konrad Artwich is a legal counsel. He graduated with honours from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, as well as from the Warsaw School of Economics, where he majored in finance and accounting. He also studied corporate law and commercial law at the University of Sheffield, School of Law. He completed his legal counsel apprenticeship at the Warsaw Bar Association. From January to August 2018, Armen Konrad Artwich served as Head of the Legal Department of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister. Earlier, between 2016 and 2018, as Deputy Director of the Department for Improvement of Economic Regulations at the Ministry of Development, Armen Konrad Artwich was responsible, among others, for legislative projects in economic law and for supervision of the Central Office of Measures and the Polish Centre for Accreditation. At the same time, in 2016-2018, Armen Konrad Artwich served as member of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (a representative of the minister in charge of economy). Between 2011 and 2016, Armen Artwich worked in the Legal Area at Bank Zachodni WBK S.A., where he was in charge of legal services for investment banking in the Global Banking & Markets Division. Armen Artwich is a graduate of the 18th School of Civil Society Leaders. For his pro publico bono activity, he received, among other distinctions, the Gold Cross of Merit and the Polcul Foundation award. Armen Artwich also serves as Chairman of the ORLEN Group Board.
Timo Tatar; Valsts sekretāra vietnieks enerģētikas jautājumos -

Timo Tatar

Igaunijas Klimata ministrija

Valsts sekretāra vietnieks enerģētikas jautājumos

Catharina Sikow-Magny; Zaļās pārejas un enegosistēmu integrācijas (ENER.C) departamenta vadītāja -

Catharina Sikow-Magny

EK Enerģētikas ģenerāldirektorāts

Zaļās pārejas un enegosistēmu integrācijas (ENER.C) departamenta vadītāja

  • Catharina Sikow-Magny joined the European Commission in 1997 and is currently the Director responsible for Green Transition and Energy System Integration in the Directorate General for Energy. Before that, she was the Head of Unit in charge of Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition. Before that she was the Head of Unit responsible for Networks and Regional Initiatives. She has as well worked on international transport, trans-European network policy and financing, internalisation of external costs, and strategic policy research. Before joining the Commission, Catharina Sikow-Magny was a team leader and chief economist in the private sector in Finland. She has also worked for the United Nations Development Programme in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She holds a Master of Economics degree from the Aalto University, Finland.
Darius Užkuraitis; Direktors -

Darius Užkuraitis

NATO Enerģētikas drošības izcilības centrs


  • Colonel Darius Užkuraitis started his military career in 1990. During his service time he has been fulfilling different jobs at tactical, operational and strategic level. He has graduated Lithuanian military academy, Baltic Defence College, NATO Defence College Senior Course 113 and Institute Des Hautes Études De Defense Nationale Senior Armaments Course SERA 29. He is a certified NATO planner, operations assessment SME and PRINCE II Practitioner. Colonel Darius Užkuraitis has been serving as COS/DCOM at the “Iron wolf” BDE for 2 years, then 3 years as “Iron wolf” BDE Commander. He has spent 4 years at Lithuanian Land Forces HQ as Head of G3 division (OPERATIONS and TRAINING) and also has more than 5 years’ experience working at the Lithuanian MOD as Capability planner and National armament director. Colonel Darius Užkuraitis has NATO ACO experience as he spent 7 years serving at NATO Operational level HQ. 2010-2013 he was leading Integrated Advisory Team (NATO CAG equivalent) at JFC Brunssum including deployment to ISAF mission as JFCBS LNO to ISAF HQ in 2012- 2013. From August 2017 till August 2021 Colonel Darius Užkuraitis has been serving at JFC Brunssum again, but this time as Operations assessment brunch head (Joint Assessment Division). Since August 2021 he has been appointed as NATO ENSEC COE director.
Mārtiņš Čakste; Valdes priekšsēdētājs, galvenais izpilddirektors -

Dr. oec.

Mārtiņš Čakste

AS “Latvenergo”

Valdes priekšsēdētājs, galvenais izpilddirektors

  • Mārtiņš Čakste has been the Chairman of the Management Board of Latvenergo AS, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Member of the Board of Directors at Eurelectric, Vice President of the Latvian National Committee of the World Energy Council since 2021. Latvenergo Group is a clear leader in green energy in the Baltic states, generating 40% of the Baltics’ electricity last year. The company is currently working hard to achieve very high and ambitious targets in green energy production, delivering results that are strategically important both for the development of the Latvian state and for energy security, therefore, a lot is being asked of the Latvenergo team. M. Čakste: This is a time of great change in the energy sector and I am a professional change manager with experience in delivering focused action aimed at the promotion of company value. I am a results-orientated person. Before joining Latvenergo AS, M. Čakste was co-owner and Chairman of the Management Board of Pure Chocolate SIA. M. Čakste holds a PhD in Business Administration from Riga Technical University (RTU) (2007) and a Master’s degree in Engineering Economics from RTU (1999).
Monika Michaliszyn; Vēstniece -

Monika Michaliszyn

Republic of Poland to Latvia


  • Monika Iwona Michaliszyn (born 22 May 1974) is a Polish diplomat and scientist specialising in Baltic states and the Region of the Baltic Sea. Since 2 September 2018 serving as a Polish ambassador to Latvia. Between 1998 and 2003 she has been Head of Latvian-Polish Cultural Relationships unit at the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga. Between 2006 and 2007 she has been the main adviser of the Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Parliament. In 2007 she was Prime Minister envoy responsible for the cooperation with the Baltic states. In 2003–2018 she worked at the University of Warsaw, where she also founded and dicercted the Centre of Polish - Baltic Cultural Relations. In 2013 she became member of the Baltic Advisory Team to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Awarded the Latvian Cross of Recognition, 4th class (2012) and 3rd class (2023).
Rik W. De Doncker;  E.ON Enerģētikas pētniecības centra un elektroenerģijas ražošanas un uzglabāšanas sistēmu institūta direktors -


Rik W. De Doncker

RWTH Āhenes Universitāte

E.ON Enerģētikas pētniecības centra un elektroenerģijas ražošanas un uzglabāšanas sistēmu institūta direktors

  • Rik W. De Doncker, IEEE Fellow, received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the KULeuven, Belgium. After his PhD he spent 10 Years in US and worked as a Seniro Scientist at General Electric Company, NY and as CTO at SPCO Corparation, PA. Since Oct. 1996, he is professor at RWTH Aachen University, Germany, where he leads the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA). In Oct. 2006 he was appointed director of the E.ON Energy Research Center at RWTH Aachen University. He is director of the German Federal Government BMBF Flexible Electrical Networks (FEN) Research CAMPUS. He has a doctor honoris causa degree of TU Riga, Latvia. He has published over 700 technical papers and is holder of more than 60 patents.
Patricia Vincent-Collawn; Priekšsēdētāja, izpilddirektore  -

Patricia Vincent-Collawn

PNM Resources

Priekšsēdētāja, izpilddirektore

  • Ms. Collawn has more than 30 years of leadership experience in the electric industry. Ms. Collawn is Chair and CEO of PNM Resources. Ms. Collawn also serves as Chair of Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited and is on the board of Edison Electric Institute (EEI) where she served as the first female chair with a focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. She also served as Chair of Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Ms. Collawn was awarded the EEI Distinguished Leadership Award by her peers for her significant contributions and ongoing commitments to the electric power industry. Under her leadership, PNM became the first U.S. investor-owned utility to set the earliest goal of 100% carbon-free generation by 2040. Ms. Collawn is also a director of Cheniere Energy, Inc., a NYSE-listed energy and liquified natural gas company. Ms. Collawn received a B.A. from Drake University, summa cum laude, and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.
Kaspars Melnis; Ministrs -

Kaspars Melnis

Latvijas Republikas Klimata un enerģētikas ministrija


  • Mr. Kaspars Melnis is the minister for Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia. Mr. Kaspars Melnis is a politician with extensive experience in local politics - he was a member of the Rezekne City Council and member of the 14th Saeima, representing the political party “Union of Greens and Farmers”. The Minister was a board member of the Latvian Farmers' Union and the Cooperation Council of Farmers' Organizations, as well as chairman of the board of the Association of Livestock Farms, etc. Currently, as the Minister of Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia, he has clearly set a main goal - stabilisation and targeted support for energy prices, as well as energy independence and security.
Roberts Zīle; Viceprezidents -

Roberts Zīle

Eiropas Parlaments


  • Mr Zīle is a prominent Latvian politician. Mr Zīle studied in the University of Latvia, earning a doctorate in economics. Mr Zīle was a key player in rebuilding the economic state of Latvia post-Soviet occupation and encouraging Latvia’s role in the European markets. In 1997, Mr Zīle became the Minister of Finance of Latvia. Mr Zīle also held the post of Minister of Transport from 2002 until 2004. Since 2004, Mr Zīle has been elected as a member of the European Parliament. Mr Zīle is a member of the nationally linked party in the European Parliament ‘European Conservatives and Reformists’. He is the leader of the Latvian delegation in the party and a member of the party Bureau. In 2021 Mr Zīle was elected as a Vice President of the European Parliament.
Edgars Groza; Vadības grupas priekšsēdētājs -

Edgars Groza

Programma “Nākotnes enerģētikas līderi Latvijai”

Vadības grupas priekšsēdētājs

  • As Chairman of the Nell Management Group and the Head of Wind Park Development team in AS Latvenergo, Edgars navigates the energy landscape with expertise and vision. His leadership extends globally as a World Energy Council Future Energy Leader (FEL-100) member, contributing valuable insights to shape the future of sustainable energy. In addition to his professional roles, Edgars has demonstrated his commitment to advancing the field through the publication of six scientific works, showcasing a deep dedication to fostering knowledge and innovation. Edgars, through his contributions, stands as a driving force behind transformative initiatives in energy sector.
Mihails Kozlovs; Loceklis -

Mihails Kozlovs

Eiropas Revīzijas palāta


  • Vairāk nekā 20 gadus M. Kozlovs lielāko daļu karjeras ir veltījis ES jautājumiem un starptautiskajām attiecībām. Viņš piedalījās Latvijas iestāšanā un integrācijā ES un eirozonā, kā arī bija daļa no komandas, kas sekmēja Latvijas prezidentūras ES Padomē veiksmes stāstu, strādājot pie ekonomikas, finanšu un fiskāliem jautājumiem, kā arī piedaloties vadības procesos plašākā nozīmē. ERP viņš ir vadījis auditus/apskatus par dažādiem aktuāliem jautājumiem, piemēram, enerģētikas savienība, ētikas pamatnostādnes ES institūcijās, valsts atbalsta kontrole finanšu iestādēm, ES kosmosa aktīvi un ES budžets. M.Kozlovs ir ieguvis universitātes diplomu publisko organizāciju un politikas virzienu revīzijā, Lotringas universitātē. Papildus tam ar izcilību iegūts arī maģistra grāds biznesa vadībā, Londonas Universitātes sera John Cass vārdā nosauktā Biznesa skolā, maģistra grāds sociālajās zinātnēs Latvijas Universitātē, kā arī bakalaura grāds sociālajās zinātnēs Rīgas Tehniskajā universitātē.
Neil Wilmshurst; Vecākais viceprezidents -

Neil Wilmshurst

Elektroenerģijas pētniecības institūts (EPRI)

Vecākais viceprezidents

  • Neil Wilmshurst is Senior Vice President of Energy System Resources and Chief Nuclear Officer for the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). He has overall management and technical responsibility for the research and development activities conducted by EPRI with its global membership related to all generation sources and storage. Wilmshurst joined EPRI in 2003 as a Senior Project Manager in the Plant Support Engineering program. In 2008, he became Director of the Plant Technology department. He was appointed as Vice President, Nuclear and Chief Nuclear Officer in 2010, where, until 2020, he led the sector through the impactful years following the Fukushima accident. During this time, the nuclear sector's global membership expanded to encompass more than 80% of the world's commercial nuclear fleet. Before joining EPRI, Wilmshurst worked in various nuclear utility engineering and maintenance roles with AmerGen and Exelon at Three Mile Island Unit 1 and British Energy at Sizewell B. Before joining the civil nuclear program, Wilmshurst served 13 years in the Royal Navy as a Nuclear Submarine Engineer Officer. Wilmshurst received a bachelor's degree in electrical, mechanical, and control engineering from the Royal Naval Engineering College, Manadon, a Post Graduate Diploma in nuclear reactor technology from the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, and a master's degree in defense administration from Cranfield Institute of Technology, Shrivenham. He was also certified as a Naval Nuclear Plant Operator.
Jarosław Wajer; Energy & Resources CESA Leader -

Jarosław Wajer

Ernst & Young

Energy & Resources CESA Leader

  • Jaroslaw Wajer, EY partner, has worked for energy sector for over 20 years, had a honor and pleasure to helps his Clients since energy market liberalization. His team supported governments, Energy Regulatory Office in Poland and the biggest energy companies, like RWE, Engie, EdF, Vattenfall, Orlen, PGE, DTEK. His experience includes designing and implementing new regulations, new strategies and new business and operating models. He was also involved in many M&A activities and optimization of business processes in energy companies. He worked across all subsectors, from mining, generation and upstream up to energy retail.
Michael W. Howard; Priekšsēdētājs -


Michael W. Howard

Pasaules Enerģijas padome


  • Dr. Michael W. Howard is passionate about creating a sustainable and equitable energy future. He combines business insight with deep technical expertise and in-depth electric utility experience. He has over forty years of results-driven global executive experience with a bias toward collaboration, entrepreneurship, and innovation in organizations ranging from start-ups to large public companies. Most recently, Dr. Howard served for ten years as the CEO of EPRI, a $460 million company headquartered in Palo Alto, California, with several U.S. and international offices. EPRI develops technology innovations encompassing the production, delivery, and use of electricity, including nuclear power, renewable energy, energy storage, and electric vehicles, with a mission to ensure reliable, affordable, and cleaner electricity for society. Dr. Howard served in several EPRI leadership roles before EPRI's Board of Directors selected him as its President and CEO in 2010. He retired as CEO at the end of 2020, and the Board of Directors appointed Dr. Howard as its CEO Emeritus. Dr. Howard serves on the Board of Directors of three technology-based companies who provide products and services to the energy sector. He also serves on the Carnegie Mellon University's Scott Institute advisory council and is Chair of the World Energy Council headquartered in London. Dr. Howard recently served on a technical committee of the U.S. National Academies of Sciences. Dr. Howard was awarded the Distinguished Energy Award in Washington, D.C., for lifetime contributions to providing technical innovations and leadership to global energy issues. Dr. Howard is an active IEEE and National Association of Corporate Directors member. Dr. Howard started his career with Westinghouse after receiving his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from The University of Tennessee. While working at Westinghouse, he received his M.S. in Business and Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, and his Ph.D. from The University of Tennessee, College of Engineering.
Klaus Skytte; CEO -

Klaus Skytte

Ziemeļvalstu Enerģētikas pētniecības institūts


  • Klaus Skytte is CEO at Nordic Energy Research - a regional platform for co-operative energy research and policy development under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Skytte has a PhD in economics from the University of Copenhagen. Since 1996, he has worked with the environment, climate and energy - both within the Nordic region and in an international context.
Andris Piebalgs; ES enerģētikas komisārs (2004–2010) -


Andris Piebalgs

ES enerģētikas komisārs (2004–2010)

  • Andris Piebalgs is a Professor at the European University Institute. He is the Chairman of the Implementation Committee of the International Methane Emissions Observatory. Before joining the EUI Andris Piebalgs was EU Commissioner for Energy and EU Commissioner for Development. He is a key figure in the formation of the EU’s renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and made a crucial impact in the creation of the European energy market. Andris Piebalgs has a distinguished carrier as Latvian politician and diplomat. As Latvia’s Ambassador to EU he played an important role in Latvia’s accession to the EU.
Haralds Millers; Vadības grupas loceklis -

Haralds Millers

Programma “Nākotnes enerģētikas līderi Latvijai”

Vadības grupas loceklis

  • Haralds MILLERS, MBA from Riga Business School, M. Sc. Eng. in electrical and power engineering from Riga Technical University. Having worked in the energy industry for more than 10 years, he has gained extensive experience in business and product development and management, both in the public and private sectors. He is World Energy Council Future Energy Leaders Program manager and currently works as a Business Development Manager at the largest distribution system operator in the Baltics, JSC Sadales tīkls.
Gatis Junghāns; Valdes loceklis -


Gatis Junghāns

AS “Augstsprieguma tīkls”

Valdes loceklis

  • Mr Junghans is an executive with 20+ years' of experience in the energy sector. Since 2016 and currently Mr Junghans serves as a member of the management board at AST – a Latvian electricity transmission system operator, where he is responsible for system operation and electricity markets. Before his current position, Mr. Junghans worked in other areas of the electricity supply chain – including electricity distribution, electricity trading, and electricity retail business in the Baltic region. Currently, Mr. Junghans is also a board member of the World Energy Council's Latvian National Committee and a member of the supervisory board of the Baltic Regional Security Coordinator. Mr. Junghans holds a Doctoral degree in power engineering from Riga Technical University and an MBA degree from Stockholm School of Economics in Riga.
Tālis Juhna; Rektors -


Tālis Juhna

Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte


  • Professor and rector at Riga Technical University (RTU). Talis Juhna is one of the leading researchers in Latvia has the trust and confidence of the local and international scientific community. He has proven the ability to combine research, pedagogical and administrative work. Talis Juhna has more than 15 years’ experience in science and innovation management both at the university and at the national level. Actively involved in the implementation of support mechanisms for the development of start-ups and innovations in Latvia. He has introduced the technology transfer strategy that allowed RTU to become an innovative university in the region. He has developed various support mechanisms for the promotion of the innovation abilities of scientists and students and the development of new technologies, such as the RTU Science and Innovation Centre. Parallel to administrative work he is active in science, leading and as a scientist participating in local and internationally funded science projects. His research is focusing on the application of biotechnologies in drinking water, wastewater systems and renewable energy production, environmental biotechnology, biological kinetics, microbial viability, etc. He has created one of the most advanced Water Research laboratories in the Baltic States. Talis Juhna is involved in several research boards in industry-academia clusters including climate technologies, biotechnology, and material science. He has been appointed to the United Nations high-level group supporting the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, is the ambassador of the European Innovation Council, the chairman of the Advisory Council of the Latvian Science Council. He is a Board Member of Riga Water Company and co-founder of a high-tech biotech start-up.
Kristian Ruby; Ģenerālsekretārs -

Kristian Ruby



  • Kristian Ruby is a widely recognised expert with a strong communication profile and extensive experience in political affairs. He joined Eurelectric from Wind Europe, where he served as Chief Policy Officer and was in charge of development and implementation of the political strategy. Prior to this, Ruby worked as a journalist and served seven years as a public servant in the Danish Ministries of Environment, and Climate and Energy and in the European Commission in the cabinet of the former Climate Action chief, Connie Hedegaard. Kristian holds a master degree in history and international development.
Centenary Image

In honour of the World Energy Council's centenary, we invite leaders from diverse energy sectors and interested parties to come together, shaping solutions that will power our journey towards a sustainable energy future.