Catharina Sikow-Magny; Zaļās pārejas un enegosistēmu integrācijas (ENER.C) departamenta vadītāja -

Catharina Sikow-Magny

Zaļās pārejas un enegosistēmu integrācijas (ENER.C) departamenta vadītāja

EK Enerģētikas ģenerāldirektorāts

  • Catharina Sikow-Magny joined the European Commission in 1997 and is currently the Director responsible for Green Transition and Energy System Integration in the Directorate General for Energy. Before that, she was the Head of Unit in charge of Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition. Before that she was the Head of Unit responsible for Networks and Regional Initiatives. She has as well worked on international transport, trans-European network policy and financing, internalisation of external costs, and strategic policy research. Before joining the Commission, Catharina Sikow-Magny was a team leader and chief economist in the private sector in Finland. She has also worked for the United Nations Development Programme in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She holds a Master of Economics degree from the Aalto University, Finland.