Pasākuma noteikumi


1.1 The World Energy Council, address: Mūkusalas street 41, Riga, LV-1004, Latvia (hereinafter – „Organiser”) organises the event, ENERGY TRILEMMA – THE BACKBONE FOR ENERGY TRANSITION. BALTIC SEA REGION FOCUS. THE CENTENARY OF THE WORLD ENERGY COUNCIL, to be held on 11 December, 2023 at the Riga Technical University, Riga, Ķīpsalas street 6a (hereinafter – „Event”). For the purpose of the Event, the Organiser has made available an internet-based registration form (hereinafter – “Registration Form”) available at
1.2. These rules for the Event (hereinafter – “Rules”) shall be binding to all persons who have registered for the Event via completing the Registration Form (hereinafter – “Participant”). These Rules shall constitute an agreement between the Participant and the Organiser. Where the Participant does not agree to the Rules, the Participant is prohibited from registering for the Event. The Organiser shall be entitled to amend and supplement the Rules. Such changes shall take effect after having been communicated to the Participant using his/her e-mail address specified on the Registration Form.


2.1. The Participant shall be eligible to register for the Event only once.
2.2. The Participant hereby confirms that all the information (including but not limited to personal data, texts, files, intellectual property online postings contents and materials) entered on the Registration Form is lawful, true, accurate, up-to-date and complete, and if necessary, the Participant undertakes to promptly update such information in order to keep it true and accurate.
2.3. The Participant shall be prohibited from entering and/or posting on the Registration Form any information and online postings that are deemed offensive, threatening, slanderous, discriminating, pornographic, blasphemous, contain commercial secrets or are unlawful in other respects.
2.4. The Participant may not use the Registration Form for any goals that are unlawful or prohibited in other aspects. In addition to complying with the Rules, the Participant undertakes to comply with the Rules for using the Registration Form (available at, as well as all the laws and regulations binding on it, as well as to be guided by the generally accepted principles of virtue, ethics and morality.
2.5. The Participant may not interfere or tamper with the functioning of the Registration Form, and/or servers and/or networks pertinent to the Registration Form.


3.1. The Organiser undertakes, if need be, to supply the Participant with information about the Event. Information will be sent via
3.2. The Organiser disclaims any and all damages, direct or indirect, claims, injuries, losses or liability arising from or related to any acts or missions of any third parties while traveling to and from or attending this event. The Organiser does not bear any legal liability or responsibility for the safety of any individual attending or traveling to or from this event. The Organisers do not accept responsibility for the behaviour of any attendee or outside entity during the event.
3.5. The Organiser is entitled to suspend Participant’s access to Registration Form if Participant does not comply with these Rules. In such case the Organiser will immediately inform respective Participant via his/her e-mail address specified on the Registration Form.


4.1. Where the Participant has decided to register for the Event, the Participant undertakes to disclose information, including name, surname, address, e-mail address, information about the legal entity it is representing (if applicable), and other date requested under these Rules and on the Registration Form.
4.2. The Participant agrees to supply the Organiser with the Participant’s personal data that are necessary for organising and running the Event. The personal data of the Participant will be processed assuring confidentiality and applying all tools and methods appropriate for preventing unauthorised access to these data, as well as in order to assure the person’s data security, integrity and privacy.
4.3. The Participant’s personal data will not be forwarded to any third party, except when it is necessary for organising and running the Event or were permitted or assigned according to laws and regulations in other respects. The Organiser may not forward the Participant’s personal data to third parties, except for fulfilment of the above assignments.
4.4. Where necessary, the Participant may amend, supplement or delete the Participant’s personal data, and other information entered on the Registration Form at any time.
4.5. When registering for the Event, the Participant agrees that his/her data is processed in accordance with these Rules.

Politika pēdējo reizi atjaunināta: 25/09/2023