Kaspars Melnis; Ministrs -

Kaspars Melnis


Latvijas Republikas Klimata un enerģētikas ministrija

  • Mr. Kaspars Melnis is the minister for Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia. Mr. Kaspars Melnis is a politician with extensive experience in local politics - he was a member of the Rezekne City Council and member of the 14th Saeima, representing the political party “Union of Greens and Farmers”. The Minister was a board member of the Latvian Farmers' Union and the Cooperation Council of Farmers' Organizations, as well as chairman of the board of the Association of Livestock Farms, etc. Currently, as the Minister of Climate and Energy of the Republic of Latvia, he has clearly set a main goal - stabilisation and targeted support for energy prices, as well as energy independence and security.