Mr Mihails Kozlovs
European Court of Auditors
- For over 20 years, M. Kozlovs has devoted most of his professional life to EU issues and international relations. He contributed to Latvia's entry and integration into the EU and the Eurozone, as well he was part of the team that facilitated the success story of Latvia's presidency of the Council of the EU, by working on economic, financial, and fiscal issues, but also participating in the management in a broader sense. In ECA, he has led audits/reviews on various topical issues, such as Energy Union, Ethical frameworks in the EU institutions, Control of state aid to financial institutions, EU space assets and EU Budget. M.Kozlovs holds postgraduate university diploma in “Audit of public organisations and policies” from University of Lorraine, Executive MBA from Cass (Bayes) Business School with distinction and master’s degree in social sciences from University of Latvia.